Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where it all started ...

Hi everyone ! My first post in this anonymous account so that I can share eeeeeeverythinggggggggggggggg right from the start. My main intention of this blog is to share my experiences with PCOS (Polycystic ovaryian syndrome) and how I am overcoming it. There are many blogs that share and guide women with pcos out there but I believe there are very few that relate pcos for Indian women esp those who want to cure it the natural way because that is what I believe is the best way to cure this disease as it is our new sedentary lifestyle that brought us into this mess. Overcoming pcos requires a change in the lifestyle (with medication in a lot of cases) and in someways it made me more aware about me and my body. When I initially found out that I had pcos ... I was shocked and I thought I was going to be barren for my life but thanks to the internet, I came to know about pcos and how common it is among the 'gen y' women. A little tune in the lifestyle did a lot of things to me and now i am confident that I will become normal in few more months :).
As there are many websites out there to explain about pcos, let me put some of the 'gifts' that pcos gave me :

  • Obesity (Everything starts from here ... it s like egg and the hen question - nobody knows who came first and similarly is it pcos that made you fat or the obesity that gave pcos !!!) 
  • Acanthosis nigaricans - To put it simpler terms, it is that dark velvety neck that gives you that 'never washed your neck' look. It can occur in places where your skin joins. Very ugly and crumbles your confidence and self esteem !!!
  • Darker skin tone - The hormones released tend to give you a darker tinge to your skin tone and also an unhealthy aura about it. 
  • Hair fall - A lot of people suffer from this and I lost loads of my beautiful silky straight hair to this. The hormones tend to disturb your hair follicles.
  • Hirsutism - Facial hairs ! It is again the effect of hormonal imbalance !!!
  • Apart from these we also get/may get : menstrual problem, mood swings, lethargy, low self esteem and so on and on but the ultimate being the difficulty to conceive a child.
 I thought it would be good to share some of my knowledge on this topic and maybe help some more peeps like me out there !!! But whatever I say one must always think before doing what I follow and off course consult their physician - they are brilliant people !!! So let me also put my disclaimer here that I am not liable for any injuries that may occur directly or indirectly though the ideas posted in this blog. I also wish to tell you that I am not associated with any company or product or any other group. This blog is here only to share my experience and get some inputs too :). 



  1. yeah even i have pcos..i was 55-57 kg before marriage...and now im 72 kg...i hate under medication right you any good doc who specializes in these matters..

  2. Oh sad that you have it too:( but don t worry with a good life style we can reverse it - that is what my doc told me too. I went to my family friend who is a gyn n she said that since mine was mild i can reduce by altering the diet. Now I am eating low carb diet and also taking hyponidd (i know many people who have benefited from it and you can also check with these people : , . My symptoms are much better now and i have to loose only 5 more kgs to attain the perfect health weight. Do ask your doc about hyponidd ... it is herbal and very healthy.

  3. thanks will ask the doc..btw i'm on metfromin and thyronorm..i have started the med only 2 months back...

  4. @ S.S.G Wow thats great !!! I think people use hyponidd instead of metformin ... anyway check with your doc :)

  5. I have PCOS too. And all docs have said the same thing - lose weight! I know it is hard to deal with some of the effects especially hirsutism. Good luck with your journey and I hope you do reach that perfect healthy state!

  6. Hey thanks Scarlett ... Good luck with your journey too ...

  7. hi dear, i am relieved there is a blog for pco who gives natural method to cure PCOD. I am Suffering from PCO for the past 1 year. Can you update me about your lifestyle ie have you got cured from it. if yes, please guide me how to come out of this problem.

    awaiting for your response eagerly.

